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Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning

  • The tenth Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention, hosted by Slovenia in Ljubljana and thus taking over the Presidency of the Convention Bureau, is coming to an end. The session was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Water Convention.

  • The tenth meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention in Ljubljana continues. Following yesterday's official opening and high-level discussion, today and tomorrow the Parties will focus on general topics, such as reviewing the implementation of the current work program and adopting a new one, decisions on the direction of the convention and elections to working bodies. We pay special attention to side events today.

  • The main event of the meeting was the high-level discussion "Our Waters, Our Future: Transboundary Water Cooperation to Strengthen Climate Resilience", which was attended by high-level representatives of countries – ministers, state secretaries and other representatives of governmental and non-governmental international organizations. At the end, the participants also adopted the joint conclusions of the high segment of the session.


  • Minister Novak: "Water and peace are closely linked - the world needs peace today more than ever"

    The tenth meeting of the parties to the Water Convention in Ljubljana has finally begun. The high-level international event, organized under the auspices of the United Nations by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, is attended by about 600 representatives from all over the world. On behalf of the hosts, Minister Jože Novak and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Ms. Tatiana Molcean addressed the audience.

  • World Habitat Day dedicated to the basic right of all to adequate shelter

    The United Nations designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of our cities and towns, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day highlights the key challenges of sustainable urban development and better living conditions in urban areas. This year's theme is: "Engaging youth to create a better urban future".

  • Our Waters, Our Future: Transboundary Water Cooperation to Power Climate Resilience

    In less than a month, Slovenia will host the tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention and take over a three-year presidency of the Water Convention Bureau. The Convention currently brings together 55 Parties. Also due to the experience with last year's catastrophic floods, it is in Slovenia's interest to strengthen the resilience of transboundary river basins and river basins so that they can effectively cope with the challenges posed by climate change.